Tag Archives: identity


Surrounded by the chaos of my possessions,

Smoke-stained walls plastered with faded photographs;

On the floor stacks of books.

Over the years my room has changed locations, holding me in like thoughts in conversations.

I am here, still;

A nearly empty bottle of Wild Irish Rose in my hand, cigarette burned down to the filter.


I am the unwanted gift left behind by men who couldn’t find enough room for the refuse of their lives.

Men who left me alone to drink, wanting a woman who couldn’t or wouldn’t think to match their own lack of substance.


I am an outdated model of a mastered game; trapped inside my own body.

There are dark circles under my eyes from too many wasted nights.


I am ignorant of abuse;

A happy and willing slave to the next man to notice my stone-blue eyes, the curve of my hip, the movement of my lips as I slowly inhale smoke from my cigarette.



I imagined I was beautiful, a man unwrapped me;

My body, not my mind.

I woke up to an empty bottle and a man I couldn’t remember next to me forcing his hand down my pants as my head spun.


I lie here pretending I don’t feel the pain,

Drinking, popping pills, eating chocolate.

I am a living, breathing stereotype, barely able to stand as I pull a pair of jeans over my widening hips, hold in my stomach as I zip myself into costume,

A little eyeliner, face powder, lipstick to complete the task

And I hardly recognize myself underneath this mask

Or remember who I was to begin with.


Hold Me

i feel depressed confused LOST in between words in between images spinning not stopping faster and faster falling swinging between extremes unbalanced sick wordless caught trapped at the point that isn’t no shape no outline my body has no form


my thighs i don’t see i don’t know what I look like I see a STRANGER look back at me in photographs in the mirror and i am always EXTREME

fat or thin good bad judgments rein me in tie me

it’s overwhelming the importance of the imaginary body i keep in reserve for myself

no worth NOT FITTING the image has distinct BOUNDARIES where my stomach my mind my thoughts my words should end except that I DON’T END

anywhere but stretch out across and through space my stomach fills the mirror i feel like an enormous expanse of flesh i’m not fat i don’t end


faceless even though I know some people can see the outline of my body my words thoughts with ends but I can never bring those boundaries in to


in place so I stay out of balance AFRAID OF THE HAZY SPACE IN BETWEEN

the picture of me I want is defined one-sided at one end away from center and NEVER small enough

that is the ideal me the one that i hold onto but can never slow down enough to touch always spinning around and farther away seeing myself in the mirror at the OTHER side


seeing through to the fantasy of being so small so defined held in place I UNRAVEL

wrap my words around myself


sometimes i lose track of myself between the images,
the pages of magazines,
the flickering rectangles of film,
the point where sounds blend together.

i try to squeeze my way through this space
without leaving myself behind.

i don’t want to be moulded after another.

but i am
caught in the dichotomy between self and other
without a boundary that i can touch.
i can’t even hold myself together without
words and culture to wrap around me.

colorfully, fashionably hidden
like a chameleon.